Orchid Fest 2025 is coming to Nipomo High School Sat. and Sun. June 28 - 29, 2025


FCOS Members and volunteers enter for free, adults $5 and children 12 and under are free.

This webpage will be updated with more information as the show date approaches. If you wish to volunteer to make this event a great success and to join with other like minded people, please email us with your name, email address and phone number and we will contact you.

VOLUNTEER to join a friendly group of FCOS members and volunteers who have a great time putting this show together. No orchid growing experience necessary! Volunteer now by clicking here.

Volunteer link coming soon

WHERE IS Olympic hall at nipomo high school, nipomo, CA?

Click here for a map

Thank You for your interest in Orchid Fest 2025 to be held Saturday and Sunday, June 28-29 at Olympic Hall, Nipomo High School, Nipomo, CA.

Orchids are getting easier to grow at  home, thanks to the work of talented hybridizers. The Central Coast of California provides the ideal climate for orchids that will flourish  on a window sill or sheltered area outside to delight the home gardener. Join us at Orchid Fest 2025 to discover the secrets of orchid growing and re-blooming from our friendly club members and expert vendors. 

Seven of California’s talented orchid growers and hybridizers will be selling their orchids and answering all of your orchid growing questions. Open from 10 AM to 5 PM on Saturday, 10 AM to 4 PM Sunday, entrance is $5 for adults children under 12 are free. There is ample free parking.

Featured Orchid Vendors

Ambriz Kingdom of Plants offers many types of Laelia, Cattleya and Epidendrum orchids suitable for outdoor growing in coastal areas and amazing Tillandsias (air plants) which need little care. 

OrchidDesign will feature outdoor growing Cymbidiums as well as exotic Vanda orchids and a range of Dendrobium orchids.

Orchids of Los Osos offers a wide selection of unique orchid species such as pansy orchids (Miltoniopsis) and promises us new surprises.

Sorella Orchids offers a wide range of orchids for the specialty orchid hobbyist. Their hybridizing program produces a range of unique Cymbidium hybrids only available from Sorella Orchids and they have sold out quickly at our previous shows.

CalCoast Orchids specializes in a range of moth orchids (Phalaenopsis) from towering giants to the diminutive “teacup” varieties. New Cymbidium seedlings suitable for outdoor growing will be available.

NEW - Tim Culbertson will offer a range of Paphiopedalum slipper orchids, many suitable for windowsill growing or growing under lights.

NEW - Ecuagenera is joining us from their new California based location. They offer a wide range of cool growing mountain orchids and warm growing coastal orchids from Ecuador. Foliage house plants will be offered as well. Pre-orders can be made on their website by June 13th for pick up at OrchidFest Please click here for their website.

The Planted Parlour of Grover Beach offers a wide range of exotic house plants and growing supplies. They will offer redwood bark potting media for purchase at the FCOS booth.

Don’t miss the chance to see and purchase the latest “easy growing” orchid hybrids or challenge your growing skills with a more demanding species orchid. Orchid Fest 2025 continues the 30+ year history of annual orchid shows and sales by FCOS, and is made possible with the generous collaboration of our local orchid growers, FCOS members and amazing volunteers.

Orchid Displays and FCOS Awards

Our orchid vendors and local orchid societies will showcase some of their most unique and colorful orchids as a major part of this show. Be prepared to be amazed by the displays. FCOS will award ribbons for the best orchids in a range of categories with a cash prize for “best of show vendor display”

ARTISTS UNDER THE OUTDOOR PAVILION - please check back for details

IS FOOD AVAILABLE? -YES - please check back for details

Music - please check back for details


Link to purchase tickets will be available soon

Orchid Growers featured at this sale are listed below. Click on the name of the orchid grower to visit their website or Facebook page.

CalCoast Orchids is a major supporter of Five Cities Orchid Society. They are expanding their offerings of Phalaenopsis to include more color varieties, some of which are fragrant.

Sorella Orchids of Oxnard, CA will be selling several varieties of mini-Cymbidium Orchids as well as a collection of miniature and specialty orchids. See their Facebook page for more details.

Tim Culbertson is a hobbyist orchid grower in Southern California. He specializes in Paphiopedalum slipper orchids. He is a frequent presenter for FCOS in-person and Zoom presentations with topics ranging from Laelia anceps to Zygopetalums.

Ecuagenera offers a range of cool to warm growing orchid species from mountain and coastal Ecuador. Their many hybrids increase the temperature tolerance of many difficult to grow orchids making them suitable for growing in our area, outdoors in coastal locations in many cases. They will also feature many of their exotic foliage plants. You can purchase orchids directly from their website by June 13th and request pick-up at OrchidFest.

The Planted Parlour is a new venture owned and operated by FCOS members Chris Howard and Michael Jenne. They will feature a wide ranger of exotic house plants, begonias and plant growing supplies. Please visit their website for more information: www.theplantedparlour.com.

Joe Ambriz admiring one of his many Cattleya orchids at Ambriz Kingdom of Plants, Cambria, CA - one of our Orchid Fest vendors.