The Five Cities Orchid Society will hold an orchid meeting and membership drive in Los Osos on January 19, 2020 at CalCoast Orchids from 2-4 pm. Los Osos is a perfect place to grow orchids and many orchids varieties grow well outdoors here in Los Osos.
Learn how to grow, bloom and rebloom Phaleanopsis, the moth orchid. We will then tour CalCoast Orchids Greenhouse Facility and see how they optimize the conditions to grow over 120,000 of these amazing plants. There will be refreshments, an orchid raffle table and orchids will be available for sale. (Get free raffle tickets if you bring something to share for the refreshment table.)
Limited Seating available. (you should bring your own chair)
The Keiki Klub is sponsored and held at CalCoast Orchids 2181 Blue Heron View Lane, Los Osos, CA. For more info call Jeff at 360-271-3971