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Finding the “right light”: growing areas and the art of orchid placement

Finding the “right light”: indoor and outdoor growing areas

Optimal light for different genera and species of orchids has been an ongoing question and quest of our orchid culture. Over the years, I have continually experimented and refined the placement of orchids indoors under LED grow lights, and outdoors in several growing areas.

Currently, we have three indoor growing areas, and semi-circle of four different growing areas around our house. 

While complicated in some aspects, this arrangement has produced two very beneficial results.  First, we are able to grow a diversity of orchids in our “microclimates.”  Second, I have become a much more observant, skilled, and, overall better orchid grower by studying the effects of light intensity in different situations.  A challenge can bring out the best! 

I would like to share reflections on finding the “right light” in our varied growing areas for different species and hybrids.  There are often overlooked factors that can create “too much” or “too little” growing light.  My goals are to help identify the source of problems, connect indoor and outdoor growing, and inspire you to think about your growing area (opportunities!) in new ways.

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